These bags are purpose-made for air drying your boilies, especially when fishing longer sessions in hot weather and trying to keep your bait from going off. They have strong webbing style handles of a size that makes them easy to carry, and to hang from a tree or similar, whilst the baits are drying. The bag is made from a tough, camo mesh which won’t easily tear even if it becomes snagged on something, and this allows plenty of airflow around your baits (unlike the bags that boilies come supplied in which makes them sweat and go off more quickly) – just be careful not to overfill the bags and to give them a shake every now and again. The top of the bag is secured by a zip to prevent any chance of spillages, and also to provide a wide opening to make the Compac Air Dry Bags easy to fill with boilies – either straight out of the plastic bag they come in, or poured in via a bucket. Two different sizes are available, depending on the length of your session and how much bait you are using – small will hold up to 3kg; large will hold up to 6kg.